3±BR/1±BA in Hyde Park Tampa, FL

Property Location MAP

212 S Fremont Ave
Tampa, FL 33606

Property #: DG1377

Contact Agent

Jon Barber, CAI
Tranzon Driggers

(352) 812-2093 jbarber@tranzon.com

Tranzon Driggers, authorized by the Bankruptcy Court, successfully marketed and sold a 3±BR/1±BA house in the desirable Hyde Park area of Tampa, Florida.

Our team developed a comprehensive strategy to target prospects, utilizing property listings on various real estate websites, online search and display advertising, social media, targeted email marketing, a custom auction sign, proactive outreach to buyers and brokers, and a detailed property information package.

The marketing campaign generated impressive results with over 25,000 online property views and 76 inquiries from individuals in 14 states and Canada. A scheduled property preview attracted six interested parties.

Five prospective buyers, including the Stalking Horse bidder, qualified to participate in the online auction. The auction opened at the Stalking Horse bid and experienced additional competitive bidding, ultimately resulting in a purchase price of $506,000. The transaction closed successfully, concluding an effective sale.

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