Auction in Cooperation With Lender - Historic Hotel - Farmville, VA Farmville, VA

Property Location MAP

202 High St
Farmville, VA 23901

Property #: FX1711

Contact Agent

Linda Terry
Tranzon Key

(804) 837-1705

The historic Hotel Weyanoke in Farmville, VA was successfully sold at auction, in cooperation with the lender. More than 100 information packages were downloaded prior to the auction, and there was a good crowd on auction day. Built in 1925, the hotel is currently used as housing for Longwood College students. The hotel has hosted many notables, including Helen Keller and her teacher Annie Sullivan. The buyer plans to renovate and update the property, and continue to use the property as a hotel and meeting place for students and Farmville residents. In addition to the thirty guest rooms the Weyanoke is home to two restaurants.

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